Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tick in a tender place

I was just walking through the brush for a very few minutes, and when I got home, this little critter had embedded himself in me. 

Luckily, I spotted him quickly, and Sister Johnson used hot tweezers to convince him to let go.  He still left a mark, but no infection.  Since all of my body is tender, I won't tell you where he was.

It's now warm in the South, and all the critters are out.  Bullfrogs are in mating season in the pond just outside our apartment, and you can hear birds and other things in the woods close.

Most of the critters are harmless, but I've seen cockroaches as big as my thumb.  And baby water moccasins under a log.  After a walk through the brush or woods, it's usually just a nervous response, but it sure does seem like there are crawlies all over you for several hours. 

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