Sunday, April 29, 2012

Armadillo roadkill: count now up to 32

Dawn is keeping a log of selected roadkill:  The count is now up to 32 armadillo, 4 turtles, 3 possums.  Lesser species, like raccoons (yes, they have them here too) we don't even count.  Unfortunately, the poor little armadillos have gotten active in the last month as it has warmed up, and they are either not savvy to the dangers of crossing the road, or there's lots of them, because they are splatted everywhere.  The locals call them "possum on the half-shell".  We're hoping to see one alive, and get up to it - when they go into defensive mode, they curl up into a ball - about the size of a soccer ball - and their armor pretty much protects them.

We're hoping not to hit one on the road, not only because they're such odd little critters, but it must be like running over a little brick!!